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REF's Development Initiatives

    The Rural Empowerment Foundation (REF) is an organization dedicated to empowering rural communities through education and economic growth opportunities in the sectors of agriculture, real estate, language education, health, and fashion. The mission of REF is to create viable, sustainable, and self-reliant rural communities by leveraging technology, providing access to jobs and skills, and focusing resources on essential public services. Our organization is committed to fostering solidarity and building ties between rural and urban populations in order to create opportunities for people in our rural communities to thrive.
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The WAAPC System

WAAPC American School

WAAPC British School

WAAPC International School

Call/WhatsApp: +2250584117910/2522013657
Head Office:
Cocody Angre, Nouveau Chu,
Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire,
VIP Regie Building, Second floor, Door A4,
en face Minibudget
Countries of operation
Cote d'Ivoire, Senegal, Togo, Mali, Burkina Faso 
Our Partners:
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